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In the tapestry of Celtic mythology, few figures loom as large or evoke as much…


Exploring the Divine Weaver of Peace and Creation In the tapestry of Yoruba mythology, one…


The Ruler of Winter Cailleach, the goddess of Scotland and parts of Ireland, is the…


Yemaya is a powerful and revered Orisha in the religion of Santeria, also known as…


Ancient Egyptian mythology weaves a rich tapestry of deities, each holding a unique significance in…


Norse mythology is a rich tapestry of gods, heroes, and cosmic battles, with one figure…

Maman Brigitte

Maman Brigitte is a powerful and revered figure in the Voodoo religion, particularly in Haiti…


Ares, the god of war and Aphrodite’s lover, frequently referred to Eros, a Greek deity…


Lord of the Crossroads Eleguá (Elegguá) is sometimes depicted as a child and other times…



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Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a species of succulent plant in the Aloe genus. It has more than 500 species, is widespread, and is regarded as an invasive species in many parts of the world. It is a perennial evergreen plant that comes from the Arabian Peninsula. However, it grows well in dry, semiarid, and tropical places all over the world without being tamed. It is frequently grown for commercial items, including topical remedies. Additionally attractive for ornamental purposes, this species thrives in indoor pots as well. Both Latin and Greek influences can be found in the botanical name Aloe Vera. Vera…


According to a myth, the God of Mines asked his courtiers to gather all of the world’s famous gems, like rubies, sapphires, emeralds, etc., and he found that they were all different colors, shades, and hardnesses. He crushed one of each and combined them, declaring, “Let this be something that will unite the beauty of all.” He spoke, and lo and behold, the diamond was born. Pure as a dewdrop and impervious to hardness, when its beam is broken down in the spectrum, it shows all the colors of the jewels it was made from. Though it is the color…

Photo by Abdul Matloob on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/labradorite-13298909/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>

The Inuit folks say that Labradorite came down from the frozen fires of the Aurora Borealis, turning a regular stone into something amazing, gleaming with a magical light that separates the real world from hidden realms. It is a Stone of Magic in every sense; shamans, mediums, healers, and people who study the cosmos to gain knowledge and insight prize it. It’s perfect for awakening one’s own sense of the inner spirit, intuition, and psychic powers for self-exploration. Labradorite is like the superhero of minerals, fiercely protecting your aura and giving your natural energies a boost. It’s like a shield…


In all of its celestial hues, the majestic and holy sapphire is a stone of wisdom and majesty, prophecy, and divine favor. It is always linked to holy things and is known as the “gem of gems,” a treasure with a long history and tradition in almost every religion. In the ancient and medieval worlds, sapphires of heavenly blue represented the pinnacle of celestial hope and faith and were thought to offer protection, good fortune, and spiritual understanding. It was a sign of strength and power, but also of kindness and sound judgment. In Hebrew legend, both King Solomon and…


Obsidian is a protective talisman for those who dare to see—the past, the future, or one’s own inner demons and darkest secrets. Nature’s glass formed from volcanic lava and hardened so quickly that it had no crystalline structure. It has no restrictions or limitations and acts quickly and powerfully. Its edge can be razor sharp, and its dark, glossy surface can be polished into a cold, hard glass, a “mirror stone” for those willing to peer deep into one’s inner soul, the subconscious, to expose one’s shadow self—flaws, vulnerabilities, phobias, and all. Obsidian sees through everything. This shamanic stone can be…

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