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Samhain: The Witch’s New Year

Celebrates the end of the harvest.

Samhain, or the Witches’ New Year, occurs on October 31 (or May 1, if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere). You might honor the return of the King of Winter by celebrating the end of the harvest.

Animal-honoring rites.

Over thousands of years, man’s relationship with animals has evolved. Whereas they were formerly merely a source of food, they are today our companions. In a Samhain ritual, take a moment to respect the animal spirits.

Ancestors are being honored. 

Many Wiccans and Pagans believe that honoring their ancestors is an important aspect of their beliefs. This ceremony can be performed on its own or as part of a larger set of Samhain rites.

Organize a seance. 

Samhain is the night when the veil between this world and the next is thinnest. Why not take advantage of this by communicating with the spirit world? Learn what to expect and what to avoid while holding your own seance.

Organize a dumb supper. 

A Dumb Supper, also referred to as a Feast with the Dead, marks Samhain in many Pagan and Wiccan traditions. This is a sad and solemn occasion that includes place settings for family and friends who have died in the last year, as well as an opportunity to tell them what you never got to say.

The goddess and god are being honored. 

In certain Wiccan traditions, rather than emphasizing the harvest part of the occasion, people prefer to worship the god and goddess. If you’d like to participate, this ritual welcomes the Goddess as Crone and the Horned God of the Wild Fall Hunt.

Life and death are both celebrated. 

Samhain is the witches’ new year. It is a time to reflect on the never-ending cycle of life, death, and rebirth. With a ritual, you can celebrate all three parts in a group or on your own.

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