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I Bought Crystals, Now What?

Once you’ve chosen the crystals you want to work with, it’s a good idea to learn about how to utilize and care for them.

You don’t have to do much to use the power of your crystal; just having it on your person is enough to activate and tune it to your energy. You can also use them in more particular and specialized ways. Here are a few ideas for how you can put your stones to use:

  • One of the simplest and most efficient methods to access the power of your crystals is to wear crystal jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, etc.). They can assist in raising your vibrations when they come into contact with your skin.
  • Your intention is carried with you when you have crystals on you (in your pocket or handbag).
  • To bring that energy into your house or place of business, you can set healing and protective stones within.
  • When engaging in spiritual activities, hold your crystals in your hands or place them on an altar or yoga mat.
  • Crystal grids can be constructed for manifestation and security.

Cleansing and Recharging

Crystal connection and ownership include keeping your crystal cleansed and energized. Crystals do a lot of energy work, and since they spend so much time absorbing negative energy, they work best when they are discharged and refilled on a regular basis. Again, you may use your gut to choose the optimal time for this, but it’s better to do it after a high-energy session. Here are various methods for clearing and charging crystals; however, not all methods are appropriate for all crystals because some are more sensitive than others.

  • Keep them submerged in running water for a rapid discharge.
  • Place them under a full moon and leave them overnight.
  • Allow them to sit in the sun for a few hours.
  • Using your favorite incense or sage, smudge them.
  • Put them in the company of purifying stones such as quartz and selenite.

Crystals are fantastic and have numerous powers that can bring you love, light, and healing. Understanding the basics, trusting your gut, and giving these stones some TLC can help you build your own powers and sense of belonging in the world.

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