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Just Who are YOU, exactly?

You are a divine being. You perceive something greater in yourself than the experience you are having. Believe in that aspect of yourself.

Our society’s problem comes from the fact that school and culture have taught us to put so much value on our minds while ignoring our feelings. You have not been properly educated on your true spiritual nature, as well as the fact that your mind, body, and emotions are tools to serve you.

These ideas can be difficult to embrace, especially if your family history and personal experience are religious. Yet, in some manner, all religions do not contradict what is being said, nor do they contradict what science has revealed at the quantum level and beyond. All that is required is the ability to recognize the time period of religious origins, knowledge and understanding of the day, and the belief that the scriptures delivered a message in the best way feasible at the time.

Even in locations where no organized religion exists, spirituality remains an important thread in the social fabric. At some point in history, everyone from bush people to Native Americans, Australian aborigines, and prehistoric cavemen had a deeper sensitivity to something outside the conventional experience. Shamans, medicine men and women, and whatever other titles they were given, all had a link with the divine, were more sensitive to the mystical, and could grasp mankind’s relationship to Creation in the greatest possible context given the knowledge available at the time.

You were born on this planet for a reason. Your spiritual self is the part of yourself that motivates you to take action. The anguish of living small, rather than your potential, is what the soul cries out for. The soul also bears the anguish of many other trespasses against the spirit, offenses of men against the spirit. Remember? The spirit is love, and you treat others as you would like to be treated. These stories and expressions are consistent with the model. Spirit to spirit, you and I are one, and I love myself by loving you. I violate myself by violating you. The soul weeps in agony. Live up to your spiritual potential or suffer the grief and suffering that the soul feels as it recalls the bodily experience of being human.

The body, mind, and emotions feel the manifestation of the world you create. Most of us will face some traumatic incidents in school, home, or life in general as we uncover our own reasoning powers through socialization and training, particularly between the ages of 10 and 13 years old. Without proper social supports, healthy family relationships, and so on, the child is left to flounder in a confused array of contradictory social and spiritual realities that clash in their everyday experience. Imagine the confusion, especially in a society that lacks sufficient spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional education.

We are far more than what we are taught. We are energy, spirit, and all the other qualities we have been taught: physical, cerebral, sexual, and emotional. We are complex, yet from an energy-spiritual perspective, everything may be made simpler to understand and handle. Then you start to love the sensation of being human, of being alive, and of learning about the meaning and varied features of the physical body.

  • the mind and its thoughts;
  • the emotions and the values they represent;
  • the body and its requirements for safety and security.

We are complex and yet so simple.

To understand the beginnings of this powerful spirit, one must first understand the origins of the cosmos. All matter is energy rather than matter. Today’s science has made a lot of big discoveries that go beyond what we thought we knew and show that all matter is made up of strings or bands of energy. In fact, it was once known as “string theory.” Once the oddities and contradictions in the theory were fixed, it was renamed M-Theory, and it shows that we live in a world with 11 dimensions.

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