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How to Attract Potential Lover(s) [spell]

Until a connection is made, your belief, desire, and attention will be put to work to affect your fate and bring romantic prospects to you one at a time.

First, cast your magickal circle around your altar after preparing your external sacred place.

In the first hour following dusk on a Thursday during a waxing moon:

A purple candle should be lit and set in front of a bowl of water. Hold a mirror up to the candle, the water, and finally your face. Look into your own eyes. Concentrate on your attractiveness, likability, and desirability.

Again, hold the mirror in front of the candle.

Say Aloud:

In the grace of the universe
And in the abundance of love,
I affirm I am greatly desirable
And open to the bounty of love around me.
The flow of love, romance, and partnership is ever abundant,

And in line with the greater good, I create and attract romance.

Use your fingers to apply water to your mouth, heart, and crown of your head. Blow the candles out.

Remember that having a solid foundation in magick and witchcraft is essential before attempting any significant love magick. If you haven’t practiced the fundamental mysteries of true witchcraft, the spells may have unexpected effects because desire and emotion are so closely linked to love.

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