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Symbols: keys, torch, cauldron, knife, broomEmblem: star, crescent moonColor: blackSacred number: 3Time of day: nightSacred…


Orisha, the vibrant pantheon of deities within Yoruba religion, encapsulates the essence of nature and…


Exploring An: The Mesopotamian God of Heaven In the ancient pantheon of Mesopotamia, a rich…


The Ancient Egyptian God of Death and Afterlife In the vast pantheon of ancient Egyptian…


The Ruler of Winter Cailleach, the goddess of Scotland and parts of Ireland, is the…


As the son of Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction, and the goddess Parvathi (his…


The Powerful Sumerian Goddess of Creation Nammu was a revered goddess of the Sumerian pantheon…


In the vast realm of Japanese mythology, there exists a dazzling figure whose radiance has…


Lord of the Crossroads Eleguá (Elegguá) is sometimes depicted as a child and other times…



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What is numerology? Are there any benefits?

The Random House Unabridged Dictionary defines numerology as the study of numbers, such as the numbers that make up a person’s birth year, to figure out how they might affect a person’s life, future, etc. In the American Heritage Dictionary, numerology is described as the study of the esoteric meanings of numbers and their purported influence on human life. Based on these points, we can say that numerology is the study of numbers and how they might affect our lives. It has been used for ages, but recently it has become more popular because of the fast-paced modern lifestyle and…


The Ruler of Winter Cailleach, the goddess of Scotland and parts of Ireland, is the incarnation of the dark mother, the harvest goddess, or the hag or crone figure. She arrives in late autumn, as the soil is dying, and is known as a storm bringer. She is often represented as an elderly woman with one eye, terrible teeth, and matted hair. According to mythologist Joseph Campbell, she is known as Cailleach Bheur in Scotland and Cailleach Beare along the Irish shore. Her name varies depending on which county and location she appears in. The word cailleach means “veiled one”…

The Celtic Tree Calendar

The Celtic Tree Calendar is a twelve-month calendar divided into thirteen lunar divisions. Instead of following the waxing and waning lunar cycle, most modern Pagans adopt fixed dates for each “month.” If this were done, the calendar would ultimately go out of sync with the Gregorian year because some calendar years have 12 full moons and others have 13. The current tree calendar is based on the idea that letters in the old Celtic Ogham alphabet are related to different types of trees. Although you are not required to pursue a Celtic path to celebrate the Celtic tree calendar months,…

Folklore and Mythology in Medicine: Unraveling Ancient Beliefs about Health and Healing (Part 1)

Throughout history, human societies have relied on various belief systems to explain the mysteries of life, death, and disease. Folklore and mythology have played a significant role in shaping these beliefs, especially concerning health and healing. In this exploration, we delve into the rich tapestry of ancient myths and legends from different cultures, uncovering the fascinating stories of mythical remedies, gods of healing, and rituals that have been passed down through generations. Greek Mythology: The Legacy of Asclepius In ancient Greece, health and healing were closely associated with Asclepius, the god of medicine and healing. According to Greek mythology, Asclepius…

Photo by Suki Lee on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-shot-of-a-tied-rope-14571937/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>

The need for physical, mental, and spiritual healing and purification is a significant factor in why individuals use magick and other types of witchcraft. Magick has the capacity to cure any disease (but of course, the more serious the ailment, the more powerful Magick is required). This spell uses the soothing vibrations of magick energy to heal you or another person. 1. Set up your space Set up your altar and outdoor sacred area (by casting your circle). 2. Make seven knots in a thread As you make the first knot, imagine the disease and pain. You’re not encouraging the…

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