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The Role of Animals in Mythology: From Anubis to Pegasus

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Why I Recommend Energy Healing

My life was transformed by Energy Healing. My vibration and consciousness were both raised as a result of it. It provided me with the ability to break out from victimhood. It gave me the courage to discover my own self-worth, confidence, esteem, and respect. It empowered me by teaching me how to empower myself! I am liberated.

So, how exactly can energy healing accomplish this? Everything is energy, and we are energetic beings. Scientists have confirmed this, and the goal of this article is not to demonstrate it. We have an unseen energy body that surrounds our physical body to keep things as simple as possible. There are layers in this energy body. Each layer serves a different purpose, and each layer is linked to a separate chakra, with each chakra and layer affecting different parts of the physical body.

Energy flows into and out of the aura through the chakras and acupuncture sites (energy body). We perceive the interchange of energy in the forms of seeing, hearing, feeling, experiencing, intuiting, or direct knowing because this energy is associated with a type of awareness. It is critical to open the chakras and improve our energy flow, as the more energy we allow to flow, the healthier we will be. An energy imbalance or a blockage in the flow of energy causes illness in the system. In other words, sickness results from a lack of flow in the human energy system. It also distorts our views and dampens our emotions, interfering with a positive experience of living a happy life.

So, what causes an energy flow imbalance or a block? The majority of us today have been conditioned to react to unfavorable experiences by suppressing our feelings and emotions, thereby disrupting our natural energy flow. As an example, if a person is repeatedly rejected when attempting to express her love to another, she will eventually stop expressing her love by attempting to suppress her inner feelings of love. She’ll have to block the flow of energy through the heart chakra to accomplish this.

When energy flow is interrupted or hindered, the heart chakra’s growth is harmed, and if the energy does not resume its normal flow, a physical problem will almost certainly arise. The same procedure applies to all chakras. When a person blocks his chakras, he also limits the flow of universal life force energy. Emotional or physical trauma, injury, negative self-talk, toxicity, nutritional depletion, destructive lifestyle, and relationships, neglect of self and lack of love for oneself or others, from emotions that are not expressed in a healthy way, childhood traumas, cultural traumas, and so on can all cause disruptions, weakened, blocked, or imbalances in the chakras.

Life is full of challenges, and every one of us develops a coping mechanism to deal with them. These coping mechanisms become chronic behaviors, established in the body and psyche as defense systems if the issues persist. It’s critical to recognize the barriers we’re carrying, track down and comprehend their source, and then heal them.

Energy healing is a powerful tool for resolving physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problems. Regular energy healing therapy, such as Reiki Energies, is recommended. Long-term use of whole-body energy healing will improve the body’s overall health. It will open the energy pathways, allowing the body to deal with stress and the build-up of pollutants, as well as anxiety and depression, in a healthy and natural way.

Some of the health benefits of receiving energy healing include:

  • Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension
  • It accelerates the body’s self-healing abilities
  • Aids better sleep
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Can help with acute injuries and chronic problems (asthma, eczema, headaches, etc.) and aids in the breaking of addictions
  • Helps relieve pain
  • Removes energy blockages, and adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system bringing the body into balance and harmony
  • Assists the body in cleaning itself from toxins
  • Reduces some of the side effects of drugs and helps the body to recover from drug therapy after surgery and chemotherapy
  • Supports the immune system
  • Increases vitality and postpones the aging process
  • Raises the vibrational frequency of the body
  • Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing
  • And more!

Energy Healing is effective. From the inside out, it transforms you. The most important thing to remember is that the body, mind, and soul, as well as the energy body, are all part of one unseen whole. This non-invasive, uncomplicated healing approach works with the receiver’s Higher Self to improve the overall health and well-being of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

As a result, it is a system for achieving and promoting wholeness. It’s a powerful, yet benign energy that may be readily transmitted to yourself and others with just a little thought. Total healing can occur when it is accompanied by the healee’s honest intention to accomplish a cleansing within their consciousness. In time, a completely new you will emerge!

This website’s information is not intended to replace expert medical advice. All of the content on this website, including details about illnesses, medications, and treatments, is provided solely for informational purposes. Before beginning any alternative treatments, diets, supplements, or fitness regimens, please see a medical practitioner.

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