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Gods of the Harvest: Fertility and Agriculture in Ancient Cultures

Agriculture and fertility were crucial for ancient human survival, leading to the reverence of deities who were believed to bless fields and ensure fertility. These gods and goddesses, central to both spiritual and physical life, shaped cultures and reflected humanity’s deep connection to the land through cycles of life, death, and rebirth.

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The Six Basic Fears of Mankind – Fear of Ill Health


This anxiety derives, to a large measure, from the same causes as the worries of poverty and old age.

Fear of Ill Health must necessarily be related to both Poverty and Old Age because it also leads to the boundary line of “awful worlds,” about which man knows nothing but has heard some unsettling stories.

The person believes that individuals in the business of marketing good health treatments have played a significant role in keeping the fear of illness alive in the human mind.

For as long as the human race’s record can be relied on, the globe has known numerous and diverse sorts of therapy and health vendors. If a man makes a livelihood by keeping people healthy, it seems only reasonable that he would use whatever means at his disposal to persuade others that they needed his services. As a result, people may eventually develop a phobia of illness.

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