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The Negative Aspects Of Your Horoscope

Everyone dislikes focusing on the negative aspects of their lives, but how can you improve if you don’t know what to concentrate on? So, let’s get started! What does your astrology sign have to say about you that you don’t like?

Aquarius symbol png sticker, astrology

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Most people regard Aquarians as plain weirdos, despite their status as astrology’s mad scientists. That appeals to Aquarians.

ADVICE: Always the outcast, attempt to venture out and explore new horizons.

Pisces symbol png sticker, astrology

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces people, like their aquatic cousins (mermaids and the Loch Ness Monster), live in a fairytale world, confused.

ADVICE: It’s time to wake up! While living in a fantasy world can be entertaining, it can also lead to nightmares in real life.

Aries symbol png sticker, astrology

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Mars, the God of War, is your ruling planet. Don’t you believe this accurately describes your personality? You rams are always ready for a fight and never give up. That’s because, at least in your view, you’re always correct.

ADVICE: Aries, be careful with your temper. When things don’t go your way, losing your cool isn’t going to help you gain popularity. Take up yoga.

Taurus symbol png sticker, astrology

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus can be summed up in one word: stubborn. It’s impossible to persuade you to change your opinion, just like closing a revolving door.

ADVICE: I understand that you never say “die,” but you may need to accept serious injury on occasion. Choose your battles carefully.

Gemini symbol png sticker, astrology

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini, you’re an Air sign, and to say you’re flighty is an understatement. If life were a kitchen, you’d be helping to prepare every meal. When it came to suppertime, however, no meals would be ready.

ADVICE: Gemini, you must concentrate. *Sigh*, are you even reading this at this point?

Cancer symbol png sticker, astrology

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancers make excellent homebodies and told-you-so’s due to their extreme mood swings. After all, the moon is in charge of you lunatics.

ADVICE: Get rid of the martyr mentality. Get out of your shell and enjoy yourself more frequently.

Leo symbol png sticker, astrology

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

A Leo wouldn’t be able to limit herself to just five words to describe herself if she were asked. As goldfish are to blueberries, Leos are to modesty. In other words, Leos and modesty are fundamentally opposed.

ADVICE: You can’t be King of the Jungle all of the time just because the lion is your symbol. Take turns in the spotlight.

Virgo symbol png sticker, astrology

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, Mr. Clean has nothing on you. Everything in your life must be spotless, orderly, and accomplished to a high standard. It’s all about you, after all.

ADVICE: Would it kill you to compliment a friend? I know it’s tough. Just make something up.

Libra symbol png sticker, astrology

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra is the goddess of shopping, sleeping, and looking beautiful. And don’t even consider asking a Libra to make a choice. They sit on the fence like it’s their job.

ADVICE: Mirrors aren’t always there to reflect. Some people are only there for decoration. Try to walk past one without looking, Libra.

Scorpio symbol png sticker, astrology

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

I’m a little hesitant to say anything bad about you, Scorpio. You may scheme a heinous retaliation. So, let’s just say Scorpios are a little frightening.

ADVICE: Scorpio, to be honest, your ferocity is ripping a hole through my soul. No, that isn’t a great thing.

Sagittarius symbol png sticker, astrology

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Open mouth, insert foot again, and again, and again.  If you take a Sagittarius to a formal function, he or she will always embarrass you. Take one to a kegger, though, and she’ll be the first with the lampshade.

ADVICE: I understand that leaping without looking is thrilling, but Sagittarius, try not to be so rash.

Capricorn symbol png sticker, astrology

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

There is more to life than money, contrary to Capricorn’s beliefs. And, while Capricorns may find this difficult to accept, weekends are for getting out of the house, not counting money.

ADVICE: Pessimism is not attractive to anyone. Relax and unwind, Capricorn.

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