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Moldavite is without a doubt a stone of magnificence, etherically sculpted of spiritual fire and meant for a purpose. Nature’s dramatic meteoric contact with Mother Earth created this enigmatic green talisman. Moldavite, etched by force and heat as it fell from heaven, came to the earth’s surface altered, a glass of incredible delicacy and elegance ready to serve humanity.

Moldavite, as a Stone of Connectivity, carries a powerful frequency, a combination of earthly and otherworldly energies that are felt swiftly, and often dramatically, in people who resonate with its power. When holding Moldavite for the first time, a sense of heat is commonly felt, initially in the hand, then gradually throughout the body.

In certain situations, the heart chakra is stimulated, which manifests as a beating pulse, perspiration or flushing of the face, and an emotional release ranging from laughter to weeping. Moldavite’s frequency may take some getting accustomed to, but its deep potential to expedite one’s personal and spiritual progress makes it highly sought after in the metaphysical realm, both for its life-changing properties and as a catalyst for attracting light to assist in Earth’s healing.

Moldavite is a natural glass created by interplanetary impacts that belongs to the Tektite group. The Greek word tektos means “molten.” Tektites have an amorphous crystal structure and are glassy mixes of silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide, and other metal oxides. Translucent Moldavite is a deep forest green, unlike other Tektites from throughout the world, which are tar-black or brownish-black. It is the only variation appropriate for cutting and faceting as a gem.

“Moldavite healing has a long history, valued not just as a tool but also as a spiritual talisman and amulet of good fortune, fertility, and protection since the Stone Age.”

This lovely stone is exclusively found in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, formerly known as Czechoslovakia before it was abolished in 1993. While scientists have many hypotheses about the origin of Moldavite, practically all believe that it formed around 14.8 million years ago when a massive meteorite crashed on what is now the Bohemian plateau.

The heat of impact metamorphosed the rock, resulting in a scattered field of moldavite in two, primarily rural, districts of Bohemia and Moravia. Farmers sometimes discovered the stones while plowing their fields, while additional specimens rose to the surface after the spring thaw or strong rains in the fall. Collectors have recently begun “mining” for gem-grade and museum-quality specimens by sifting and excavating through loose sands and gravels.

Moldavite has a long history, dating back to the Stone Age, and has been used as a spiritual talisman and amulet of good fortune, fertility, and protection. It was discovered near the location of Venus of Willendorf, the earliest known goddess figure. It has been associated with Holy Grail tales and is supposed to be an emerald that fell from the heavens from Lucifer’s crown before he was hurled from heaven. It was presented as a betrothal gift to promote harmony in marriage relations in Czech tradition and has been utilized for ages in jewelry, religious objects, and spiritual change.


Moldavite’s drop-like (spherical to flattened), plate-like or disc-shaped, oval, spheroid, dumbbell-shaped, elliptical, rod-like, or spiral forms reflect its molten beginnings. Bohemian moldavites are drop-like, rod-like, or rod-shaped, whereas Moravian stones are spherical. Moldavite is usually forest green, but some are pale green or olive, while others, notably from Moravia, are greenish-brown.

Unpolished moldavite has stunning etched, carved, wrinkled, or sculpted patterns. Since streams and rivers have been eroding the surface for millennia, the pieces resemble river stones. Sand or gravel pits have finer-textured, sculpted examples. Unmarred, complete ones are uncommon and precious. “Sonorous” Moldavites, dubbed Angel Chimes, are rarest (less than 1%) These are naturally tempered and ring like a coin if dropped.

Moldavite is brittle and shouldn’t be cleaned with salt to prevent scratches.


Moldavite is effective at combating cynicism and connecting even the most world-weary adult to the glories of the cosmos. It dispels suspicions, even when the cause is unclear, and alleviates financial concerns by presenting previously unconsidered remedies.

Carrying or wearing Moldavite in jewelry lets its energies stay in one’s vibratory field throughout the day, enhancing its benefits and boosting the occurrence of good synchronicities in daily life. Because of the powerful vibration of moldavite, some people may suffer light-headedness or a lack of grounding and may need to gradually adjust to wearing it.

Moldavite is a good stone for star children and sensitive souls that find it difficult to adjust to sorrow and strong emotions when in incarnation on Earth. Moldavite, when placed on the heart, reveals the reasons and purpose for why one is here and alleviates “homesickness” for individuals whose origin is not Earth.

Moldavite pairs exceptionally well with other stones, notably the crystalline energies of quartz variations. It is one of the Synergy Twelve stones and is excellent for the creation of energy instruments. To enhance the effects of wands, headbands, templates, grids, and other devices, add to them.

Moldavite is an excellent aid for meditation and dreamwork, as well as for enhancing sensitivity to guidance, intuition, and telepathy, as well as the ability to interpret communications from higher realms.

This website’s information is not intended to replace expert medical advice. All of the content on this website, including details about illnesses, medications, and treatments, is provided solely for informational purposes. Before beginning any alternative treatments, diets, supplements, or fitness regimens, please see a medical practitioner.

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