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Schools of Feng Shui Studies

Anyone can benefit from Feng Shui. Feng Shui can be used in any setting or living environment. The Feng Shui study will assist everyone who is interested in learning about nature and improving the quality of life for themselves and others.

But, before you start studying Feng Shui, you should be aware that there are numerous schools of Feng Shui, each with its own set of variants. Whatever school you choose for your Feng Shui studies, keep in mind that the core ideas and theories (Feng Shui elements, yin and yang concept, Feng Shui Colors) will remain the same, but the instruments utilized for analysis and interpretations may differ.

The following information gives you a quick overview of the different schools of Feng Shui:

Flying Star Feng Shui

Xuan Kong or Flying Star Feng Shui is the most advanced stage of Feng Shui research; it gives a building’s energy a time dimension. The advanced Compass School also incorporates the Eight House Theory to provide a thorough and professional house analysis.

This school’s Feng Shui research allows you to predict good and bad times from year to year, month to month, and day to day based on the natal or birthday chart of each house.

This school’s Feng Shui consultant recommends improvements for every residence after doing a thorough Feng Shui analysis to determine how the nine various “stars” or energies are moving or flying in different compass directions throughout the year, month, day, and hour. The study is used to create base charts for all nine periods. The dates of birth of the residents are also taken into account. The school also considers the form because it has an impact on the stars.

Compass School Feng Shui

Using a lo pan compass, Compass School separates the structure into eight compass directions. Based on their year of birth and gender, each person has four good compass directions and four bad compass directions, and they either belong to the East Group or the West Group. The seating direction of a structure defines whether it belongs to the East or West Group. Each compass direction is related to a Feng Shui element: water, wood, earth, metal, or fire. A proponent of this school of Feng Shui offers the ideal compass directions for sleeping and working, which can have a significant impact on your life.

Form School Feng Shui

The Form School of Feng Shui involves doing a systematic Feng Shui investigation to determine how the shapes and forms of the surrounding environment and rivers affect individuals who live or work in a structure. The Green Dragon of the East, the White Tiger of the West, the Red Phoenix of the South, and the Black Turtle of the North are four animals that represent the four cardinal directions of the compass. The interior forms and arrangement of the structure are also examined, and Feng Shui advice is given based on a thorough grasp of the color’s numerous ramifications.

Western Feng Shui/Black Hat Sect Tibetan Buddhist (BTB)/Pyramid

This is a modern type of Feng Shui that was established in the mid-1980s and is focused on a more spiritual approach. It is a combination of Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism, Psychology, and Traditional Feng Shui. The structure is divided into eight pieces, and instead of true compass directions, a Bagua or Ba Gua map is aligned with the entry door. Each part represents a distinct goal in life. The Feng Shui concept places a greater emphasis on sign placement. In addition to old wisdom, the Feng Shui advice incorporates modern psychology and design ideas. Its guiding idea is that altering the subtle energetic (Chi) alignments and flows in a given location can alter the inherent purpose of a situation, and so alter the fate of its occupants.

In a distance learning style, one can study Feng Shui at any of the above-mentioned Feng Shui schools. On the internet, there are numerous certified continuing education providers.

The Feng Shui study aids you in gaining a thorough grasp of the energetics of the environment, as well as learning how to begin balancing and positively activating energy in your working and home spaces. Only after completing a thorough Feng Shui study will you be able to experiment with new ideas and techniques, as well as understand how to apply Feng Shui’s core principles to the healing of your body, mind, and soul.

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