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Crystal Therapy – Using Gemstones and Crystals as Healing Tools

Crystal therapy, often known as crystal healing, is a type of vibrational medicine. Crystal therapy involves the use of crystals or gemstones to promote healing.

Gemstones include spiritual and healing characteristics that can be accessed in a number of ways. Crystals can be carried, worn on the person, or placed in an area where the healing vibrations of others can be sensed. Healers may also place stones on their clients’ laying bodies in order to balance the chakras and aura.

Each sort of stone has a distinct ability. The colors, shapes, and textures of gemstones all have symbolic connotations. Crystal elixirs can be prepared by soaking crystals in a glass of water for a few hours. Healing crystals are utilized for divination as well as meditation. You can choose which crystals to utilize intuitively by seeing the stones you are drawn to. Keep your heart and hands open, and let the right healing crystals find you.

Stones for seasonal use

You may discover that certain stones are better suited to a particular season. Citrine and yellow topaz are two good examples. These two healing crystals are excellent energizers; they carry solar energy and are excellent for lifting depressive thoughts that remain during dark, overcast periods. On dark days, anyone suffering from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) will benefit from wearing one of these “sun-bright diamonds.” It’s no surprise that both yellow topaz and citrine are November birthstones. In the summer, these stones may feel “too hot” to carry. Pearls and coral are cooler stones that are better for hot weather. Emeralds and turquoise are ideal for the spring season. While sapphires and opals are perfect for autumn,.

Stones to help you remember

Stones are knowledgeable and ancient. They are generally good memory-keepers. Certain stones absorb and retain knowledge better than others. Red stones (rubies, carnelians, garnets, and so on) are very effective in retaining information. If you are a student, bring a memory-keeper stone with you to class. The stone will not only assist you in taking notes, but it will also help you stay grounded and focused on the lecturer. On exam days, remember to have your memory keeper in your pocket.

Why we are drawn to gemstones

Rocks are lovely. We used to love digging them out of the dirt and holding them in our hands as kids. A child’s first collection is generally an assortment of colored rocks found in the play yard or pebbles dug out of the bottom of a shallow brook. You may have stored these natural gems in an egg carton or a cigar box, or you may have placed them under your bed for safekeeping.

Giving crystals and gemstones as gifts

Gemstones make wonderful gifts to give or receive. They are the natural healers of Mother Nature. Giving someone a crystal is the same as mending them. There are hundreds of various sorts of stones available.

Some people think that crystals should never be purchased for personal use and should only be accepted as gifts from the ground or given to you by another person. This notion stems from the thought that crystals and gemstones appear in our lives at precisely the right times when we require their healing powers.

Giving yourself a crystal, on the other hand, is a sort of self-healing. If you are in a store and feel a vibrational pull toward a specific crystal or gemstone, it is most likely meant for you. Buy it only if you can afford it! Please pay attention if a crystal says, “Take me home!” If you are willing to listen, rocks will speak to you.

It is also vital to consider the metal that will be wrapped around your stones or used as a setting for your gemstones in rings, pendants, and brooches. Silver has the ability to enhance or accentuate the qualities of gemstones. Gold, on the other hand, has the reverse effect of taming overwhelming stones. If you are particularly sensitive to stone energies, gold is a wonderful choice since it lowers the stone’s vibratory pulse, making the therapeutic benefits more subtle and providing the user with a more comfortable transition from imbalance to balance.

Can’t find your crystal?

Crystals can be bought, but they can never truly be owned. So, if you’ve misplaced or lost a crystal, it’s likely that it’s found a new home where its powers can be better utilized. Alternatively, you may feel compelled to pass on a prized stone to someone else. Our healing crystals are quite good at providing us with intuitive messages about when and to whom they wish to be handed away.

Certain crystals contain extremely powerful energies that might be overwhelming when worn or carried on a regular basis. These crystals are prone to being misplaced or lost. Vibrational energy that is too potent to stimulate is not advantageous. Crystals and gemstones will either be permanently lost or temporarily misplaced. It is pointless to search every nook and cranny of your property. Not to worry, misplaced stones usually reappear when their services are required. You may believe you have misplaced a crystal only to find it several months later. Or another stone that is more appropriate suddenly appears in their place. For example, you may lose or give away one amethyst and then find or receive another amethyst or a whole different type of healing crystal destined for you.

It is best to let crystals come and go since they perform best when they are not restricted. Don’t feel bad if you’ve misplaced or lost a crystal. It is either hiding until you need it or has moved on to a more suitable location or person.

DISCLAIMER: This website’s content is only meant for educational purposes and should not be used in place of professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Before utilizing alternative medicine or making any changes to your routine, you should see your doctor and get early medical attention for any health complications.

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