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A Brief History About Numerology

What is numerology?

Numerology connects numbers to energy, which manifests itself in the form of traits and states of being in our everyday lives. Our numerology chart and the energy it represents are used to derive meaning in a way that is similar to astrology.

When you get a numerology reading, the core numbers associated with your name and date of birth are calculated. A specific number can represent all of your life’s experiences. In order to become self-aware, you can use this information. Other divinatory, occult, and spiritual practices can also benefit from numerology. There are many uses for numerology, including the interpretation of angel numbers and the detection of repeating number sequences.

Numerology aids in the process of self-discovery by providing a framework. This aids in the process of self-discovery. Even if you don’t agree with everything it says about you, consideration of yourself is important. You gain a unique understanding of yourself when you use the magic of numbers to examine your innermost thoughts, feelings, and actions.

In other words, numerology can help you if you’re unsure of your next step. Some examples include discovering your soul’s greatest desire and discovering your life’s path. It’s possible to gain new insights into your life if you believe in past lives, or even if you don’t.

Numerology’s history

There are numerous numerology systems in use today. The Pythagorean system, on the other hand, is the most widely used system of numerology in the West. Although Pythagorean mathematics and philosophy are at the heart of this method, everything, even God, could be expressed numerically in his mind. It was not long after this that numerology was added to a list of unapproved beliefs alongside other fortune-telling and divinatory arts at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. Numerology, despite the Church’s efforts to discourage its use, is evident in the Bible through the use of the numbers 3 and 7 in numerous places. The most obvious example is the Holy Trinity. If you’re looking for another numerology-related Bible example, consider that the world was created in seven days.

Numerology has been a part of most cultures since the beginning. Juno Jordan revived and expanded upon Pythagoras’ ideas in the 1960s in the West. Using numerology, she discovered that the birth date and name had significant numerological influences. You can now calculate important aspects of your life and purpose thanks to her methods. Among these are your life purpose and destiny; your soul urge; your attitude; your personality; and your karmic debt.

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